Learners into Teachers: Project 180, Day 69


Had a chance to praise “John” and his performance in front of his peers yesterday. I was pleased to hear him share that really his success was due to his using the model I provided as a guide for “stepping up his game.” I wasn’t pleased because it was my model; to be sure, I was pleased that he found success with a mentor text. I was most pleased that his peers heard him share this. I hope that it sinks in. The resources are there, but outside my 55 minutes a day, I cannot help students with what is perhaps the most challenging task they will encounter in their learning: writing. So, I try to provide mentor texts to help them in my absence. Consequently, the exemplary essays I have taken in thus far have all shown signs of using the provided mentor texts. Of further consequence, is the fact that the mentees will now become mentors as I use their texts to help other young writers “up their own writing games.”

Happy Tuesday, all. Slept in a bit, so I give you the gift of a short post. Tomorrow is my  blog’s one-year anniversary. Celebrate with you in the morning.


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