If We Listen, They Will Speak: Project 180, Day 59


Kids are smarter than we believe.

Kids’ worlds are real enough, really.

Kids can if we let them.

Kids trust if we trust back.

Kids’ limits shouldn’t be our limits.

Kids know if we’re faking it.

Kids are wiser than their age. 

Remember, it’s their learning, not ours.


These are my six-word, so-what statements about kids, which were inspired by our messy learning around injustice over the past two days in 211.

Yesterday, on a whim, I went off script and rewrote a scene. Actually, off-script is really not a whim for me, it’s the norm. Staying on script would be more a whim than off. Anyway, at the last minute, I came up with an idea for wrapping up our Table Talks on injustice. I asked the kids to culminate their thinking into six-word, so-what sentences about injustice. I wanted them to make a final emphatic statement to publish for the class. And though that may sound easy, it actually ended up being a greater challenge than one might believe. But the kids were undaunted.

I’m so proud of my kids.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

...begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…clear the clutter from the trail. We have these days on occasion, so we can pause and gain control of all that we have going on.

…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Ryhme.

Happy Friday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do better. 


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