Parent Perspective: From home, what works and does not work for motivating your children to learn?

Parents, please join this month’s Parent Perspective conversation post by discussing the question: From home, what works and does not work for motivating your children to learn?

Welcome, parents!  Your words matter.  Please join the conversation.  As you know, you have a great deal at stake, for there is nothing more important than your children, and while you may not always feel that you have a voice or can make a difference, you have to help change the narrative and believe that you can help move the needle and change education.  Your words matter.

Note on comments.  Please post honest, open comments.  We have to have real conversations to make any kind of significant change, even if those conversations are tough.  But, please do not post comments that are degrading and/or defamatory to any individuals.  I will not be able to approve them, and unfortunately, your voice will not be heard.


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