We’re Going to be Okay: Project 180, Days 1, 2, 3

Hey, all. Not even sure where to begin. For a time, I was not even sure I was going to begin. But I am here, and I have begun. Even if it’s three days late, Project 180, Year 5 has begun.

And what a beginning. Of course, it’s not the one I had hoped for as we wrapped our strange time up last spring. I had hoped, then, that we would be back to normal by now, but that hope never happened. The world is still strange, and I still find myself at a “distance” from my kids.

Here in Cheney we have started the year with a hybrid-distance model. Students and families could select a teacher-paced or a self-paced path. I only have three classes (90 minute periods), but we will get a year done in one semester. I will have the other half of my kids next semester. Two of my classes are teacher-paced. The other class is self-paced. This week, we have started the year with three days of orientation meetings on Zoom. But I didn’t realize (in the strangeness) that we had officially begun; thus, the delay on getting started with my Project 180 posts. Sorry that I wasn’t on top of it. But as I have said, and as you know…well, things are strange.

But, we’re gonna be okay. And I believe that. Things are gonna be tough for awhile, but I am not going to let that ruin the year before it’s even begun. In 180 fashion, things will get better because that’s what we do, and even though we will struggle in the days and weeks ahead, we will struggle forward to “better” for our kids. I believe in better. I believe in us. And that’s why I know we are going to be okay. And that is the message I tried to send to my kids in the letter below.

And the journey has begun. And, as always, I am grateful that you have joined me here again this year. I am sorry I was absent all summer, and I am more sorry that I didn’t start on day one. But I am here now.

Have a great day, all. Hope you find a better.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “We’re Going to be Okay: Project 180, Days 1, 2, 3”

  1. Good to see you back and running. We are in full distance learning in SW Washington. It is strange but I’m looking forward to the challenge.

    I like the idea of a 3 classes a semester. I think I would thrive on that. Kids could get into to great PBL.

    Take care my friend,


    1. Thanks, Aaron. Yeah, I think the 3 classes approach will work well. Hope you get off to a great start with your kids.

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