To Business: Project 180, Day 4

Rules on day four? Well, kinda. I don’t actually call them rules ’cause…well, they sound too “ruley.” Instead, I present my policies and procedures as “Roles, Routines, Rights, and Responsibilities.” The four R’s. And while they are important to our journey, they still take a backseat to the “R-est” of R’s: relationships. That’s how we began our journey last week. We started with the people. This week, we can begin with the policies.

Here are the documents that I will share with students and parents this week. We won’t cover them all in one day. We will do a little bit each day so the kids don’t have to take in or process too much at once. I also share them with you. And though I know my longtime readers know how I conduct business, I want others to know that we do more than sit in a circle sharing Smiles and Frowns in room 206. There’s a business end to things, too. But the business never overshadows the people. People matter most, and I hope one can see that in the way I conduct business.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…discuss Roles and Grading Policies.

…introduce our Essential Question for the semester (write about this tomorrow).

…complete an anticipation guide.

…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Tuesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.