Something’s Missing: Project 180, Day 132

Day Fourteen. Morning, all. Not feeling it. Hoping that responding to kids’ work today will lift me up a bit. Going to try to set up a Zoom version of Smiles and Frowns next week with my classes. I need more connection than the current typed version. On some level, I feel like I am just playing school right now. This whole distance thing has confirmed–for me at least–that learning is first and most a human connection, and something’s missing.

Happy Thursday, all. Stay safe.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

Peace in Purpose: Project 180, Day 131

Day Thirteen. Feeling a bit better today. Connecting with kids, even if only through words on the screen, helped. It felt good to feel needed. Had forgotten the satisfaction derived from something as simple as answering a clarifying question. Makes me want to give confusing instructions, just so they have to ask questions…

Of course, I won’t do that. But, there’s no denying the purpose and peace found in helping kids. There is peace in purpose.

Take care, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.