Source of Commitment: Project 180, Day 169

How can I create better learning experiences for my kids?

I ask myself this every day. Sometimes, I think it aloud. Most times, I dance with it quietly throughout my day. But it’s ever on mind, even when I am not aware of it. Yesterday, I was keenly aware of it.

I had found a quiet, less-behind moment in my day, and I had begun brainstorming “betters” for next year. And for me, that begins with listing. I’m a lister. And as I listed, I paused on “Learning Model.”

And I got to thinking about how I want learning to look and feel like in my room, and I was returned to the post embedded below where I had an aha about commitment.

Since the post, I have begun–routinely–to ask my kids to complete and commit their work. But yesterday, I started thinking about my commitment, my dedication to something. And as I thought ahead to next year and the purer place I seek in the classroom, I thought of a way to daily display my commitment, which I believe is reflected in my support.

“Today, I will support your experience with (insert standard) by…”

I am going to call them “Teaching Targets.” I will use these instead of Learning Targets, of which I have never been a huge fan. That is not to say that they don’t serve. It is to say that they don’t serve what I seek in my room. Simply, I believe–as is ever the case–there’s a better to be found.

I have a lot of thinking to do yet, but I am energized by the possibility here, not the least of which is focusing on my commitment as a source for their commitment. I want my commitment to be the spring at the headwaters of our learning lake next year. (Okay, that’s a little corny, I suppose). But, I believe there’s better, and if corny’s the way, then corny will I be.

Happy Wednesday, all. I will elaborate tomorrow.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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