Jaden’s Journey: Project 180, Day 177

Day Fifty Nine. Morning, all. Happy Friday. Feeling the need to share a brighter moment.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of handing a diploma to my best friend’s son, Jaden, who despite the challenges of autism, has achieved this milestone moment in his life. I have known this beautiful boy of joy since the beginning, and from that time on, I have been profoundly privileged to witness the boundless love and support of his parents Josh and Lena Kleven as they have raised him into the remarkable young man that he is. I believe I can fairly speak for all when I say that any who have been lucky enough to be a part of Jaden’s journey know they are blessed and better for being connected to this beautiful, funny, clever, gentle boy. Thank you, Josh and Lena, for allowing me and so many others to take part in Jaden’s journey. Has always made our loves more joyous. And now, when it seems in short supply, Jaden delivers again. Thank you for the joy, Jaden.

Dad (Josh) and I graduated as Blackhawks 30 years ago this week.

Happy Friday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

The Shame of Silence: Project 180, Day 176

Day Fifty Eight. Morning, all. Trying to process all that’s going on in our world right now. And, as I do, I am ashamed by my silence. I tried to capture the why of my silence in a tweet earlier this morning.

So much noise within and without right now. But I remain silent. And for that I am sorry.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

Well, It is Her Story: Project 180, Day 175

Day Fifty Seven.

“I accept that you won’t accept any old work from me. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for your prayers and support. I will be sure to keep you updated, and I will also be doing this week’s assignment. End of story. :)”

End of story. This is a brief follow-up to yesterday’s post. In my earlier exchange with this young lady, I tried to “flex” a bit and tell her that my not accepting any work was the “end of the story.” But she, as you can see, reminded me that it’s her story, and as such, she–not, I–will get the last word, which offers me a humble reminder this morning of how lucky I am to be a part of their stories.

And what stories they are. All of them.

Happy Wednesday, all. Take care.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

Of Absence: Project 180, Day 174

Day Fifty Six. Got an email and some answers yesterday. Been wondering for awhile where she’s been. She doesn’t always love playing school and she generally procrastinates, but she always gets her exceptional work turned in on time. But she’s been missing in action the past few weeks, and though I figured there was a good reason, I didn’t expect what she finally revealed to me. Her mom’s cancer is back. My heart sank. And it continued to sink as she went on to apologize for her missing work, promising me that she wouldn’t use her mom’s health as an excuse, that she would get it done and turned in. But that won’t happen. I won’t let it.

I excused her from all the missing and remaining work for the semester. I told her that an “A” had already been indelibly stamped on her transcript and that if she went on to do it, she would be wasting her time. And, I meant it. Every word.

She has already proven herself this year. And I told her as much, explaining that doing or not doing the work would matter little in the grand scheme. And right now, life has thrown her something that requires more attention than the trivial tasks I have assigned during this distance-learning experience. I am more worried about her well-being than her demonstrating proficiency with our priority standards. There are greater priorities. Far greater.

I cannot change her situation with her mom. I can change her situation with my class. Her (necessary) absence from my class these past few weeks tells me where her focus needs to be. And that’s where it’s been. That’s where she has been. And that’s just where she should be. And I want her to remain there unfettered from the guilt of missing my class. She is needed elsewhere. And I want her to be present, fully present–there, where her absence would matter more than it does in my class.

Happy Tuesday, all. Take care of yourself and each other.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

Behind: Project 180, Day 173

Day Fifty Five. Morning, all. Not feeling it today. Busy week ahead. Stressed out. Woefully behind on stuff. So, I am going to bow out. Be back tomorrow when I am hopefully less-behind. Thank you for understanding. Take care.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.