Well, It is Her Story: Project 180, Day 175

Day Fifty Seven.

“I accept that you won’t accept any old work from me. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for your prayers and support. I will be sure to keep you updated, and I will also be doing this week’s assignment. End of story. :)”

End of story. This is a brief follow-up to yesterday’s post. In my earlier exchange with this young lady, I tried to “flex” a bit and tell her that my not accepting any work was the “end of the story.” But she, as you can see, reminded me that it’s her story, and as such, she–not, I–will get the last word, which offers me a humble reminder this morning of how lucky I am to be a part of their stories.

And what stories they are. All of them.

Happy Wednesday, all. Take care.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “Well, It is Her Story: Project 180, Day 175”

  1. So glad you are listening to her as well as yourself. It IS her story and you are giving her the right to write it. Good-oh!

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