A Blog, A Book, A Better: Project 180, Day 86

Morning, all. A bit tired and uninspired this morning, so I am not going to force it. Thought maybe I’d take a moment to update you on the progress of the Project 180 book.

It’s coming along–slowly, but it’s coming along. To date, I have written the preface, and I’m halfway through the introduction. I have also roughed out an outline of chapters. At present, I am writing on weekend mornings. Not sure if it’s because of my early-morning blogging habits but I am discovering that I can only write in the mornings. It’s the only time I can capture my thinking, which presents a bit of a problem because I have a lot of thinking to catch, and I need more time than the mornings allow, especially when I only have two days a week.

Why not write during the week? Well, I am committed to finishing out year five with the blog, so that time is already taken. But, I think I have come up with a compromise, and I want to share it with you because it’s going to impact my blogging a bit. Starting this coming Monday, I am going to limit myself to 45 minutes on my blog posts so I can spend 30 minutes each morning with the book. I will start with the book, and then I will transition to the blog. That said, my posts may be a little shorter, and I will likely need to use the “out-of-time” tag more frequently. And for that, I am sorry. I will do my “better” to stay true to my daily posts and Project 180, but I have to devote more time to the book. It’s the better that I have to build right now. Thank you for understanding.

Happy Friday, all. Have a wonderful weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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