A New Path: Project 180, Year 6

Morning, all. Thought I would take a few moments to share with you my plan for Project 180 posts this year.

As many know, I am in the middle of writing a book about Project 180. I thought perhaps I would be done with it at this point, but I thought wrong. A book is a bigger bite than I thought it would be, and I have much to chew through before it’s due (December is the plan). So, with that in mind, I am going to approach the blog differently this year.

I am no longer going to do daily posts. I am instead going to use my weekday mornings (my prime productive time) for writing the book. Please know this was not a decision easily made as it’s become a ritual for me to produce daily posts for the past five years, and I feel like I am letting you and myself down for not continuing the 180 tradition. But I am not completely abandoning the journey; I am just taking a little different path this year.

I will now publish a week-in-review post on Saturday mornings, which will focus on two specific areas: Better Learning and Better Community. For each area, I will pose a “Better Builder” question to which I am seeking my own authentic answer, sharing the discoveries I am making along the way as I continue to Do, Reflect, and Do Better.

Yes, it will be a different year. But I will continue to connect with you each week. For some–maybe many–I imagine it will be a blessing to escape the daily email notifications. Sorry. I know it got old. Anyway, I am excited to continue the Project 180 journey with you.

Happy Monday, all. Thank you for being here for another year.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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