A Short Post: Project 180, Day 117

“Sy, how does one become a professional writer?”

“Good question, Maisie. I don’t know. She has to write, I guess. She has to write a lot.”

Maisie is already a writer. She is voice. She is a force. She just doesn’t know it yet…well, not fully. I am constantly amazed at the words she paints on her paper and the ideas she floats in the air during class discussions. She speaks. People listen.

Hi, Maisie. I know you are reading this. And I hope you are taking my words to heart. And I hope, too, that you remember this day somewhere down the road at a book signing, where I hope to be standing in line, waiting to get my copy signed. You are a writer. 


Hi, all. Running short on time and ideas this morning. Wanted to motivate Ms. Maisie Short a bit, thus the title “A Short Post.”  Wish I could find such an in for all my kids. Maybe today’s Community Circle will bring me closer to that as I seek to learn each kid.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…build community with Community Circle (It’s my first Friday commitment).

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

We have conferences Monday and Tuesday, school but no kids, so my next post won’t be until next Wednesday. Have a great weekend, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 


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