Back on Track: Project 180, Day 148

Morning, all. Wanted to share the link to the podcast I did last night with the guys from Human Restoration Project. It was a great opportunity to sit down and discuss–in depth and at length–something that is near and dear to my heart: the importance of relationships. I admire the work that Chris and Michael are doing to restore humanity in education. We speak the same language, and I am honored to have crossed their path. Here’s theĀ Link.

Back on track today. Testing, for the most part, is done, and now we can reconnect and resettle back into our routine. It’ll take us a day or two to get back our momentum, but we will find it again and move forward with our learning. Finally.

Friday, most of the kids were done testing, but as others finished up, kids hung out in my room. I walked in to discover that Parker had taken care of writing the day’s agenda on the board. I am so proud of him for a few reasons. One, he is so in tune with my way of doing things. He pays more attention than I ever imagined, catching not only the words but the tone. Two, he took the liberty to do what he believed needed to be done. I am proud of his initiative and ownership. Could not have done it better myself, Parker. Thank you.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns. Lots a catching up to do.

…resume work with our “Be A Voice” speeches and debates.

…dust off our Passion Papers.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.


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