Been a Long Road: Project 180 , Day 157

Not much to say today. Hate to admit it, but I will. I am about burned out on blogging for the year. Five years of every day begins to weigh, and this has been a particularly heavy year, so the burden’s been a bit bothersome of late. Privately, I worry some about my energy going into a summer of book writing, but my hope is that after a few weeks off, I will find my legs again. And I will. But it’s gonna be a long last few weeks, and I would like to apologize in advance for my declining dedication to my daily posts. Thank you for understanding.

Happy Friday, all. Have a restful weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

4 thoughts on “Been a Long Road: Project 180 , Day 157”

  1. Thank YOU for giving so much. Remembering to give to yourself is so important. You are so thoughtful to think about us, also! Will enjoy reading your book. Take care of you! My best, Kristin Whitmore

  2. You have been an inspiration to my (and I am sure many others) daily this year. There is no shame in being tired and there is no shame in needing a break. Thank you for always sharing a message and for being the kind of educator I would aspire my own kids to have!!! Relax and take a little time to reflect on all you have done…it’s a lot. Be bold.

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