Better Than We Are: Project 180, Day 31

Almost 72 hours ago, I presented a challenge to my kids: read Night in 72 hours. Today, I will recognize those who made it with a certificate. I will also offer an apology. Not for the challenge. That was the easy part. I will apologize that they have to now hold the memories, that they have to know and try to understand that we are capable of such things. That’s the hard part.

But hard is necessary. Sadly. Better lies on the other side of difficult. And in their difficulty, I seek hope, for I think they can be better than we were, better than we are. Kids. It’s the only hope we have.

Today’s TrailĀ 

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…say our Mindset Mantra.

…honor those who completed the challenge.

…take a Performance on Elie’s acceptance speech.

…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “Better Than We Are: Project 180, Day 31”

  1. I want to let you know how much I enjoy reading your posts! You are such an inspiring teacher, and I hope that your project keeps going for a long time to come!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Meg. Don’t plan on quitting my project any time soon. Not sure that I can. Have a great day.

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