Dear Learners: First Days

Good morning, all. It’s August and my teacher brain is in full gear. For me, though days remain, August generally marks the end as I start dreamin’ and schemin’ for a new year. And so, here I am ramping up for the next.

Yesterday, one of my very favorite tweeps, Abby French (follow her on Twitter @awfrench1) asked me to share some of the things I do to begin the year. Too much to share on Twitter, so I told her I would write a post and share it. My initial thinking was a long post (and it would have been long), but this morning upon reflection, I think I am just going to do a daily post now in August, a short post with a singular focus. In truth, it will help me get my own thoughts in order, and so I am eager to think and share as I prepare for year four of Project 180.

Dear Learners

This morning I thought I would begin with sharing the letter I will distribute and read to my kiddos in the first few steps of our year’s journey. I really want my kids to feel as if my room is more than a class. I want them to feel like it’s a journey, an experience, so I try to set the stage from the early moments. Here is the letter.

First Five

Thought about calling it “high five,” but most of you know that I am an alliteration addict, so “First Five” it is.

Prior to my reading the letter, I will distribute note cards. After I am done, I will ask the kids to write me a note, highlighting the first five things I should know about them as people, as students. My hope is that my letter has gotten them to thinking about the context of their new experience, bringing to light things that might be pertinent for me to understand about them as we begin our year. Haven’t done this particular activity before, so we’ll see how it goes. I will place their note cards in their portfolios, and I will later engage each in our first round of learning conferences (likely week 3).

That’s today’s post. Back here tomorrow. Thank you for the nudge, Abby.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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