Ding Dong Doubt: Project 180, Day 23

Never quite sure. Never fully prepared. Never exactly surprised. Why he shows up when he does, I may never know. But I’ve begun to leave a light on for him, just in case.

Doubt showed up at my door this weekend, waltzed right in like he owned the place and made himself comfortable.

And why wouldn’t he? We go way back. Knew him then. Know him know. And I will know him later. Know him so well, in fact, that I don’t even really fight him anymore. I just figure he’s here to teach me something.

Funny though, I am off to a solid start, and things are going as I’d like them to, but still he lingers, perched. And there he stayed, perched on my shoulder all weekend as I hurried against the coming of winter, trying to get a second coat on the house. Why did I decide to paint the house in late August? Anyway, I painted. He sat, not taunting exactly–more teasing, floating fears of failure. And we made our way through the weekend.

For the most part, I ignored him, able to get lost in the rhythm of the roller in my hand, but I also remembered. I remembered the brand of doubt that he dealt when I was more traditional in my approach. And as I remembered, I found myself momentarily drawn to those days, and not because of the approach, but because of the comfort. There were others with whom I could hide. But here, where I am, I cannot hide. I am exposed. I have to be. Heck, maybe I seek to be. Regardless, I am revealed. I have called attention to myself, and now I have to muster the resolve to stay on the path. And I have it. I do. But I am alone. Not entirely (thank you to the few who believe in and support me). But I am largely alone. And that’s hard.

Thanks, Doubt. I knew that. You didn’t have to rub it in.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…say our Mindset Mantra.

…enjoy our Personal Reading day.

…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

2 thoughts on “Ding Dong Doubt: Project 180, Day 23”

  1. Please knock Doubt off of your shoulder. Your other shoulder is Belief. Belief in what you are doing is helping kids and isn’t that why you are a teacher??? Just saying…

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