End of the Road: Project 180, Day 180

And then they came to an end in the road. It had been on the horizon for some time, and though each day it grew in their view, it still seemed far off and away. But not today. It is here, and so are they.

And that’s that. We’re done. And with another behind, I am already looking ahead, and as the dust settles, I will spend time reflecting on what I did, so my next “do’s” will be better. I will share my reflections in my summer “Reflection’s Reality” posts, but for the next week or so, I am going to take a break. Thank you to all my faithful readers for your kind and continued support. Could not do this without you. Thank you.

And as I wrap up another year of Project 180, I want to give a special shoutout to a special young lady. I first met her when she was a student in my classroom management course at the university. After that, she had some issues with her student-teaching placement, so she reached out for help, and–long story short–she ended up student teaching with me. She finished up mid-year, and through some connections, we were able to get her a job at Connell HS, where she finished up the year. But we snatched her back up here at Cheney that same fall, and she has been with us for the last two years. And though we thought we had found a “lifer,” stuff happens–love happens, and we are now losing Maddie as she heads off to Texas, following her beau. And while she will be missed by many, she will be missed most by Jenna and me, for she was the other leg in our gradeless grade-ten team. She has spent the last year experimenting and innovating with us, and we will miss what she brought to the table, a table that she, Jenna, and I sat at every morning for the last 180 days dreamin’ and schemin’ about ways to make our kids’ educational experiences more meaningful. Thank you, Maddie. Thank you for the collaborative, kid-loving, robot-dancing, cheer-coaching, compassionate spirit that you shared with us. You have made a mark. And you will not be forgotten. You are a cherished colleague, and you will be a lifelong friend. Keep doing. Keep reflecting. And keep doing better. Goodbye, dear friend.


Today’s Trail

Along our last stretch of trail we will…

…do our final Smiles and Frowns (my crowning achievement for the year)

…end with a final Sappy Sy Rhyme

Year’s worth of Sappy Sy Rhymes

…high-fives, handshakes, and hugs.

Happy end of another year. Maybe my best of 22. Gonna miss my little humans.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.



2 thoughts on “End of the Road: Project 180, Day 180”

  1. Just saw your post about the sleeping student and I immediately thought “What a great teacher/person”. I’m really impressed by what you did and your response😁!

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