Finding Nothing: Project 180, Day 143

I tried. Really, I did. Still trying. Sitting here staring at the screen hoping something will come across the radar for me to write about this morning. But the screen is just staring back. No blips on the radar.

Doesn’t happen very often. But, when it does, it’s confounding.

I thought about “D’s” response to my question, “What’s been a significant year for you, ‘D’?” (Kids are working on their cross-sections of their “trees,” examining their growth rings.)

“This year, Sy. Got my boots on the ground. Getting things done. Way better than last year.”

Boots on the ground. Love that, ‘D’.”

Thought about “B” whose eyes came alive yesterday. He rarely does anything, but something about yesterday’s “growth ring” activity brought him to life–maybe more commitment from him yesterday than all year combined. How do I capture that? What was the difference? Wonder if I should ask him? Wonder if he could tell me? Wonder how much of it’s luck v. approach when it comes to student commitment? Wonder if it has to happen this way–in its own time and way?

I thought about “T” not sharing once during Smiles and Frowns this year. Not once. Her “share” is only and ever a quiet, respectful, “pass.” Oh we have talked about it. And I am more than okay with her passing, and she even gave me a lovely card thanking me for respecting her right to pass. Yesterday, I wondered if it might not be better to just skip over her as we go around the room, instead of “making” her say pass every day–because we know she is going to pass every day. But then that closes the door, for every day when it comes to her, I think–just for a moment–today might be the day. Just in case, I want to leave that door open. And I think there’s still value in our recognizing her every day, and allowing–respecting–her right to pass. More, I have committed to saying every kid’s name at least once every day this year, and at the very least, I get to do that.

I thought about all my kids and colleagues at CHS who had to deal with our losing one of our students to a car accident over the weekend as we all have dealt with hard reality of loss, all processing and grieving in our own ways.

I thought about spying “C” walking past my window during 3rd, tapping on my window to get his attention. He’s one I worry and wonder about a lot. And after some clunky sign language, I came to learn he was headed home because he was ill. Was still worried, but was relieved he wasn’t ditching.

Thought about…still thinking about a lot of things, but I haven’t found anything to say. Will do better tomorrow. Always better tomorrow.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…publishing our “growth rings”

…planning piece one of six for our “This Is Me” writing project.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Tuesday, all. Sorry for a whole lot of nothing today. Find my muse again tomorrow.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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