Hope’s Fool: Project 180, Day 114

Some days I feel the folly. Who are you kidding, Sy? Thinking you’re changing anything. You’re just creating more work for yourself. The world’s too big. You’re too small.

Other days, I feel the hope. You helped somebody today. You inspired somebody today. Keep going. Just float your ideas and share your journey–even if it helps one person. One person finding their better is better.

And the world turns. The days change. I change. One day doubtful. One day hopeful. I never quite know what to expect. But maybe that’s the journey. Maybe hope and folly need and feed each other? Some see the folly in the hopeful. Some see the hope in the foolish. So is it foolish hope? Or is it hopeful folly? Yes, it seems.

Maybe I am just a hopeful fool.

Sorry for the odd post this morning. I’m just working through some of my own doubts and demons out here on the trail.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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