How Do You Address My Child’s Social-Emotional Learning? (Meet the Parents 2.0): Project 180, Day 121

Morning, all. Day two of conferences. Had so many great conversations yesterday with parents and kids. Anticipate the same again today. Here is what I handed to and discussed with parents during conferences. I was particularly pleased to include how I address kids’ social-emotional learning, an area that I believe is undervalued and under-served in education. Have yet to meet a parent who does not want me to make their child’s social and emotional well-being a priority.

My hope is that by calling greater attention to this important aspect of kids’ educational experiences, parents will come to ask about it as readily as they ask about academic learning. But one can do more than hope, so that is why I am trying to place it in front of our work, place it at the center of our conversation. It matters.

Happy Friday, all. Have a great weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “How Do You Address My Child’s Social-Emotional Learning? (Meet the Parents 2.0): Project 180, Day 121”

  1. When I lost my 16 year old daughter her sister was in Monte’s class. She felt safe tucked away in the corner of his classroom. For several weeks they talked and he listened and tried to council her with the grief she was experiencing. Sadly I was pretty wrapped up in my own grief. About a month after Montie gave me a call one afternoon to let me know that she was struggling. I was greatful for the quick acting teacher who saw a student struggling and with time gained her trust to talk to me. I was so rhankful for his genuine heart. Monte has had 6 of my 10 children in his class and I am so excited to share in his successes as a teacher. With each kid he has earned a medal they all cherish him. Hope you win Monte you deserve it.

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