How’m I Doing? Project 180, Day 51

so much depends

upon a conversation

between a teacher

and a student

along the way

Trying my hand at amateur poetry by channeling William Carlos Williams this morning to capture my sentiments from talking with kids yesterday.

Each team or individual met with me to discuss their progress with their Truth Projects. Our conversation was framed around three simple questions.

What have you explored?

What have you discovered?

What’s next?

And for roughly five minutes we connected. They talked. I listened. We made and held eye contact. We leaned in. We laughed back. We expressed. We wondered. We planned. We schemed. We connected.

It was simple. It was beautiful.

And as I think of my very favorite, my most gratifying moments with kids over the last twenty-three years, it’s moments like these that bubble to the top, moments when I see them and they see me, moments when it’s human as it should be.

Today, I will seek to listen again as I ask them to evaluate me and my efforts with my “My Room” standards. I will hand them a card like the one above and ask them to give me some feedback, to let me know how I am doing. I will also ask them to use one of the elaboration methods we’ve been learning.

I will listen. I will learn. I will do better.

this is just to say

I have listened

to the kids

you were trying

to keep quiet

forgive me

they spoke

so certainly

so sincerely

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting with Smiles and Frowns.

…evaluating the teacher and his promises.

…writing to elaborate.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Friday, all. Have a great weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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