It Was Never About Sleep: Project 180, Day 164


It was about the reality of our kids who daily struggle in a system, in a society that is not as compassionate as it should be.


I imagine everyone is getting tired of hearing about it. I thought it was finally dying down, but it seems the cover’s not quite closed on Meg’s story. Yesterday, I was contacted by KHQ, one of our local news stations, about my recent Twitter thread that had gotten some attention, and they wanted to talk to me, so they came out and interviewed me at lunch. And shortly after KHQ contacted me, KREM 2, another local news station, set up an interview after school. So much for my “it-is-dying-down” and “we-can-just-ease-into-our-Monday” feeling that started my day yesterday. Meg’s story is not quite done, and I still cannot believe that my viral moment, my “15 minutes” as a teacher is coming from a kid falling asleep in my class. Can’t they fire me for that?

But it was never really about Meg sleeping. And while some on social media criticized both my letting her sleep and my “cashing in on it,” it was never about my letting a kid fall asleep in my class or my patting myself on the back for being a good guy. It was about the reality of our kids who daily struggle in a system, in a society that is not as compassionate as it should be. That is why I shared the thread. If Meg had not emailed me her essay at 9:00 PM that night, if I had not run into her at the grocery store the next morning at 6:45 AM, then I never would have tweeted what I did. I was moved. I was moved by this kid who, despite all the things that she is juggling in her life, makes it work. No, she does not do it in the most efficient or exemplary manner, but who does? I don’t. I can barely manage my life, and I, like Meg, can benefit from a little grace now and then. That is why I wrote the thread. I was simply moved by a moment. And I shared it.

Here are the links to the interviews

Todays’ Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns

…keep grinding towards the end with our Passion Papers and Speeches.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme

Happy Tuesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

3 thoughts on “It Was Never About Sleep: Project 180, Day 164”

  1. 40 years after a phase of live when I fell asleep in class at least twice a day, I’ve finally figured out that I was suffering from a bad and undiagnosed case of Ebstein Barr. Some of my teachers forgave me but I wasted decades berating myself for being such a chronic ”slacker”

  2. I know it was not about sleep. I know you know your students & probably more than you would like to know about their lives. Just this morning, I woke up thinking “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace…” & I had to look it up. Your generosity in spirit is so important to the young people you. deal with each day. God bless you & strengthen you as you endeavor to be an instrument in young lives.

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