It’s Basic: Project 180, Day 120

Day Two. This is gonna be harder than I thought. School is such a big part of my life, my identity. Hard to let it go, especially like this. So, to keep connected with the part of school that matters most: kids, I created a way for my kids and me to meet our basic needs with Smiles and Frowns through Google Classroom.

Good morning, all. I am sorry that recent events have resulted in our separation for the coming weeks. I’d like all of us to stay connected, so I am starting a Smiles and Frowns thread in the attached document. Of course, this is completely voluntary–as always. If you participate, please share your smile and/or frown (or pass) along with your name. I will add the date each weekday morning along with my smiles and frowns. I hope you are all healthy and safe. Please email me at any time if you need to connect. I am here. Take care. I miss you.

My Smiles and Frowns from yesterday.

And we connected. Many of the kids expressed gratitude for our having a way to stay connected. Each morning, I will respond to each post they make (takes some time, but it’s time well worth it) and share my own smile and frown. Not the same as being in the classroom, but it’s something, and we all need something right now. I need this. And I believe my kids do, too. It’s basic.

4 thoughts on “It’s Basic: Project 180, Day 120”

  1. Day one here, Sy. What is the best way to stay connected? We use a lot of Google Classroom but I feel like there must be a better way to communicate with students.

    1. Hey, Warren. I am sure there are better ways, but for me, Google Classroom is working well. I think as long as kids are connecting the way is secondary.

  2. I love this. I just did the same thing. I also had a Smile and Frown for my kids, and I also used Google Classroom (a bit differently than you, but still did it). Thank you for being so inspiring during this difficult time for everyone!

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