Knowing Better: Project 180, Day 174

Finally. Been many weeks in the making, but we are finally ready to start presenting our “This is Me” projects. Ranging from lyrical essays to comics to top-ten lists to poems, kids will begin sharing their pieces with their peers today. Each will share a self-introduction and three published pieces of their choice.

Selecting from eight different mode options that could take myriad forms, kids had to write five pieces for the project. The overarching goal was to dig deeper into their own identities and to share their discoveries, their work with our classroom community. Let us know you better were the words behind the work.

In truth, we all know each other quite well. I would even venture so far to say that, in terms of kids’ knowing other kids in a classroom community, there is likely no other room in the building where this is more true than mine. Please know, I am not saying this to brag; I am not saying this to suggest I do it better. I just do it. It’s a priority. Atop my list of self-standards for how I want kids to feel in my classroom is “connected.” I want kids to feel connected: to me, to each other, to themselves. So, we work–diligently, daily–towards that end. Of course our means has been Smiles and Frowns, but even that has its limits at only minutes per day. There is always a better around the bend, and in terms of our knowing each better, this project serves as a “connection capstone” of sorts. We will know better.

Further, never one to miss an opportunity to deepen connections, I have come up with a way to let the presenters know we know better. I will ask my kids to write a brief personal response to each presenter. I will cut out and distribute paper squares, asking kids to write something to their peers in response to the hard work they’ve done to share themselves with their community.

I live for moments like these. I love seeing kids in their moments. I particularly love seeing kids’ moments being celebrated, honored by their classroom community. The next five days will be supremely satisfying for me. I could not ask for a better end to such an awesome year. Of course, it does come with a cost. Knowing better means parting is harder. I will miss these kiddos. A lot. But for now, I am going to soak them in as they share themselves, as we share each other. If there is a better way to end our journey, I know not that better.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…knowing each other better.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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