Learning to Teach: Project 180, Day 142

Time. A lot of time. I spend a lot of time “learning” my kids. Smiles and Frowns alone easily accounts for more than 1,000 minutes a year. Sadly, some see this as a waste of instructional time, time that could be spent teaching. I see it differently. I see it as an investment in learning my kids so I can teach my kids.

No kid the same, despite our trying to pretend they are with our one-size-fits-all approach. Standardization is convenient, but after that, it really loses its ability to support learning (learners). On the other hand, humanization is inconvenient, but after that it really comes into play for impacting the learning experience of each kid.

If I know John, then I can teach John. But “teach” here is supporting John, not delivering content. Teaching isn’t talking. And I think many who guard instructional time are really protecting their talking time (or however they cover content). Teaching, I believe, happens during the experience (responding with feedback), not before. And our response to the learner is only as meaningful and as accessible as it is familiar, and we find that “familiarity” in our “connectional” time. Teaching and learning aren’t disconnected if the teacher and learner are connected. And so, we have to create and protect our time to connect. So, I do, and with each connection, l better learn my learners so I can better teach my learners. I am learning to teach.

And that takes time. A lot of time.

Happy Friday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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