Let’s See Where We Are: Project 180, Day 18

Today we will pause to perform. The kids will have an opportunity to demonstrate where they are in their learning. We have practiced, now it’s time to perform.

As a reminder, I call tests or assessments performances, which are our primary source of evidence for judging growth and proficiency with our grade-level priority standards.

I use a three-point scale to judge their work. 3 = hit the target. 2 = near miss. 1 = far miss. From there the kids have opportunities to learn from their performances. A “2” allows correction. A “1” requires a retake. Both require a conversation before they put pen to paper again. It is my goal, from an underlying belief that learning stems from redo’s, that kids come to understand that learning is a process generated by a performance-feedback-performance cycle. Some kids will need to make the turn a few times before they get “there,” but I believe this process better ensures the opportunity for all kids to get there. An opportunity that I do not believe exists in the the traditional “test-and-move-on” approach.

The Performance

Emerging from our two essential questions, which are guiding our work, today’s performance asks the kids to identify, state, and support a universal theme from one of the three texts below.

  1. How does the human experience connect and divide us?
  2. What universal themes shape the human experience?

We’ll see where we are. Hard to know where we have to go if we first don’t know where we are. Eighteen days in, it’s time to take stock.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns (even on performance days)

…say our Mindset Mantra in 1st person.


…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

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