Our Show: Project 180, Day 160

As we near out final act, I want my kids to understand their roles, so when take our final bow, they feel like they are the stars of our show. And while I may not say this explicitly every day, I try to create a community, a culture where it’s understood implicitly. It is our show. It has to be. Learning is a shared responsibility in a community. And yesterday, I wanted to call attention to that as we continued to rehearse our roles in our show.

I stopped seeing our roles in black and white a long time ago. I grew wary and weary of the stock roles of teacher and student and the transactional script we were forced to follow. So, I began to ad lib and improvise, trusting my innovative instincts to find the between where we become connected in the blend, where we discover our messy middle–that place where humans live and live and learn. Our show.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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