Paradox of Purpose: Project 180, Day 40

Payday today. Suppose we don’t get paid enough. Maybe just enough. My family and I are comfortable. Of course, we could always use more, but that’s true for all of us. Life takes money–often more than we have. But living requires something more. It goes beyond the paycheck at the end of the month. Living needs more than the promise of pay; Living needs the power of purpose. And, even though our purpose fills us, it also drains us. For teachers, our purpose is both a blessing and a curse.

First the curse. It’s for the kids. And just like that we are emotionally exploited. And our purpose is used to manipulate us as our institution and society cling to this notion that we should want to do what we do for kids. The extra hours and responsibilities are just part of our obligation, and if we dare balk, we are seen as selfish and somehow less for kids.

Next the blessing. It’s for the kids. Damn right it is. It’s all for the kids. It’s what drives us, feeds us, fills us. And when we find ourselves in the bliss of our blessing, nothing matters more than the satisfaction of helping kids. And in those moments we care not about pay, only purpose. It’s not about paying for life. It’s about living life. It’s about purpose. Yesterday, I felt blessed.

Yesterday, I–for a moment–felt a king. I felt proudly purposeful. Noble. No paycheck has ever made me feel this way. Kids have only ever made me feel this way, which is why I know “it’s for the kids.” But, noble fades, life happens, and purpose gets blurred and we live out the paradox of our purpose as we show up day after day, cursed and blessed. Of course, we do. We’re teachers. We have to. And, yes, it’s for the kids.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…using parenthesis in our writing.

…responding to feedback.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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