REcharged and REady: Project 180, Day 133

Before break I gave my kids some last-minute homework (see below). Not only did I want to recharge my batteries over break, but also I wanted them to recharge theirs, so I gave them lots of RE’s to chase, to complete.

Today, during Smiles and Frowns, I will check to make sure that they did just that because that charge will have to sustain us till the end. And of course, that little extra charge will come in handy when we start state testing next week, for it will deplete their batteries like no other, sucking the life out of them as they–and I–comply to the mandated madness of standardized testing.

In the end, it is what it is, and I will muster what positivity I can for my kids’ sake–attitude does matter, but every year, it’s getting harder and harder to put on a happy face. But it’s never hard to put that face on for my kiddos. Eager to be back among them today.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…continue/complete introductions.

…self-select mid-term grades.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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