Sometimes, We Just Have to Float Along:Project 180, Day 97

Some days
Just aren’t ours.
When there’s not much light
in our stars.
It is good to rely
On those around
To buoy us up
So we don’t drown

Probably should have stayed home yesterday. But by the time I got to school and finally decided that was the best course of action, there were no subs available. Didn’t want to inconvenience any colleagues with covering my classes, so I stayed. And I used one of my lifelines.

I give kids two lifelines per semester to use at their discretion. Many never use them (I allow them to carry them over if they don’t). For the few who do use them, it’s generally due to stress from a test in another class. And, of course, some just use them when they are having a crappy day. Regardless the reason, they are their lifelines to spend and accept responsibility for.

Yesterday, my reason fell under the “feeling crappy” heading. I was not–no matter how hard I fought it–going to be my best. So, I let the kids know.

And they in turn, let me know that it was okay.

Fortunately, yesterday was a scheduled personal reading day, so it was good day to float along. Grateful that my kids lifted me up and carried me through. Kids. They really are the best humans.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…playing the preparation game with parallel structures.

…students leading and evaluating a discussion on Nature v. Nurture

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme

Happy Tuesday, all. Still floating a bit, but head’s above water this morning.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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