The Icebergs in Our Sea: Project 180, Day 155

Kids are icebergs: so little above, so much below. And like icebergs, no two kids are alike. And this year, as my “bergs” have bobbed around our sea, I have gotten to know more of what lies hidden beneath.

Of all my bergs, he may be my “bergiest” of all–so much to him, more than I dare share, for his is not a fairy tale. There is no Disney version. But that does not mean that there have not been moments of hope. Yesterday, he and I shared a moment, a bright, beautiful moment. He drafted this poem and shared it with me.

On the surface, it is a rough, unfinished draft. But, given all that this young man carries beneath, this, to me, is a masterpiece. It is something that I would proudly frame and hang on my wall for the rest of my career. Today, I will ask him if I may. I want it there, on my wall, as a reminder that there is more to each kid than we could possibly know, and when–if–they let us in, it is a gift, for when we find their door, it opens our eyes to the possibility, the promise they possess.

I’m so glad I crashed into this young man. It’s of titanic consequence to me as I continue to navigate the waters of my classroom, seeking and crashing into icebergs so I may find what lies hidden.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing as writers.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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