The Light, The Way: Project 180, Day 98

Been a big storm, maybe the biggest. Over the years I’ve encountered lots of storms that have taken me off course, that have upset the work, but the latest tempest, COVID and its impact on my work in the classroom, has whipped the ship into waters uncharted ,and it has been a year lost. So much lost.

This week, as we began our hybrid model, I expected the storm to strengthen again and make turbulent our less-uncalm, less-unsettled waters (we had gotten into a routine with distance learning; we had learned the ebb and the flow). So, as the storm gathered on the horizon, I expected a squall (I still didn’t fully understand the schedule going into Monday, despite the detailed–convoluted–charts in our hands). More loss was surely on the way.

Braced for a crash, I steeled myself against the storm, and as the first wave approached, I saw in the distance a light, a beacon, and instead of despair, I found hope. And as the light grew, I spied in the tide, kids. The lasting lights, the beaming beacons that had always led me into safer harbors. In the chaos, I found the calm. Kids. Kids had saved me–saved us all–again.

And the kids have saved our crazy day(s). No, hybrid isn’t great. Frankly, from an instructional stance, it sucks (sorry, my Mom taught me better words, but it seems the right word, here). From a position of connection, I believe–concede–it’s been better for kids. I have seen it in their eyes; I have heard it in their words; I have felt it from their spirits. They are glad to be back, to be together, to be the lights–even if they don’t fully know their glow.

Happy weekend, all. Stay safe and warm.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “The Light, The Way: Project 180, Day 98”

  1. Yes! The kids always ground me too- they remind me daily of my true purpose. They do so much more for us than they probably ever realize. Thus, being a teacher. Have a great Friday~ way to go making it through the week! <=)

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