The Race We Run: Project 180, Day 165

I have never been a great finisher. Conversely, I believe I have always been a great starter. I jump at the gun, and I run, and I run, and I run. But I am often too soon done. And I struggle to the finish.

Part of it is that I get bored with what is, and I get eager for what’s ahead, what’s to come. I have ideas and ambitions for the next year, and I feel like I get stuck in a holding pattern with the current year, especially near the end. And that is where I am right now. It almost feels like I am limping through December to get to that resolute day where we get to try again.

We get to try again. We get to make and do better. And while this seems perhaps a right and noble thing (and it is), it also suggests a struggle to live in the now, to be fully present. And I struggle with that. I always have. Maybe that’s the “better” burden. Maybe when one is always chasing better around the bend, he will sacrifice the present. And so, aware, he tries to better this, too. And he’s off, running at the gun, trying to be better at better to get better. Alas, the beauty and the burden of better.

So, then, do we not chase our better? I hope not. I don’t know how to do it any differently. And more, even though I know the pitfalls on the path ahead, I will choose and chase better. It’s the race I run.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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