This Is Not A Test (part One): Project 180, Day 23

“…but they are the menial and the mundane, which measure not my worth. Let my worth be measured in the support I provide.”

Morning, all. Following is an example of a “distance” Learning Check in my class from last Friday. I have worked for years to make a test not a test. Instead, I work to support the experience of learning with my approach to “assessment-as-learning.”


By any other name, we’d be called “supporters,” for what’s our job–really–if not to support? I am not a manager, a measurer, a grader. I am a supporter. Yes, I am at times required to undertake the tasks of the respective titles listed above, but they are the menial and the mundane, which measure not my worth. Let my worth be measured in the support I provide. And so, with that in mind, I “share myself” in what I offer below as a supported experience from the Project 180 Classroom. And for the rest of the week, I will break it down into parts, sharing the what, why, and how of my approach.

Learning Check: “By Any Other Name”

Learning Experience Target

Today I will experience making, supporting, and clarifying a claim about rhetorical/literary elements in a text.

Optional Support Videos

Where can I find the Tone words?

How do I write the Claim? 

How do I write the Cite?

How do I write the Clarify?

How do I construct the Paragraph?


  1. Read the passage from the end of the short story “By Any Other Name.” 
  1. What word from the Tone Word Resource best conveys the author’s tone in this selected passage?
  1. Please construct a Claim, Cite, Clarify paragraph, following the steps below.


“Of course, they were both wrong. I understood it perfectly, and I remember it all very clearly. But I put it happily away, because it had all happened to a girl called Cynthia, and I never was really particularly interested in her” (15). 

Tone Word Resource

CCC Template

This is your answer to the question. Please write as a complete sentence. Please remember to show that you know what the tone word means in your sentence. 
This is your “Discovery Quote” from the passage–where you found your answer. For this you will cite words from the provided passage that you believe help convey the tone. Please include the page number in parentheses. (15).
This is your clarification of your claim in the context of your cite. Please do not begin with, “In this quote.” Clarify, make clear your claim and then reference the cite. Start with your claim. 

CCC Paragraph

Directions: Take each part from the template above to form a paragraph in the space below. Please make sure that they all fit together to form a coherent paragraph. Please proofread your paragraph to make sure it all fits together. It is okay to add/delete words to make that happen.


I will meet the expectations on this Learning Check with my CCC paragraph if I…

…present a claim that answers the question in the prompt about the author’s tone.

…support my claim about the author’s tone with textual evidence from the provided passage.

…clarify my claim by making reference to my cite, further explaining how it supports my claim.

Once your paragraph is written. Please highlight the specific parts as shown in the key below.




(Write your paragraph here.)

Support Videos

Did you use any of the support videos?

If yes, please indicate which ones.

Response to Feedback

You will complete this after I return your Learning Check with feedback. You will then resubmit to complete the Learning Check process. 

How did you do?

What did the feedback reveal.

What will you do better next time?

Happy Monday, all. See ya here tomorrow.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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