This Thing Called Teaching and Learning: Project 180, Day 6

What is learning?

How do you prefer to learn?

How do you know you have learned something?

Is there are a distinction between how we learn in school and how learn outside of school? Explain.

What is teaching?

I am going to ask my kids to consider and discuss these questions today prior to my sharing my learning practices, which are quite different from the practices they encounter in their other classrooms. So, to help situate them in the learning context of my classroom, I want to connect with them, hear from them, learn from them about this thing we call teaching and learning.

But they are kids. What do they know about teaching and learning? You went to college for that. You are the expert on teaching and learning?

Am I? Did I have a firm grasp on this as I left university?

But you have taught for twenty-four years, surely you know what needs to be known about teaching and learning.

Do I? Do I hold the corner on what is learning, what is teaching?

I don’t think so. I didn’t think so when I started Project 180 three years ago (In truth, it’s why I started Project 180 three years ago). And I don’t think so now at the start of year four. But, as I start, my eyes and ears are wide and open as I seek to learn more about this thing we call teaching and learning. And I will make the kids partners in this endeavor. For, while they are not officially trained, they are sufficiently experienced to bring their perspective to the table as they have been on the other end of this thing we call teaching and learning for some time now. And, from that place, I will ask them to help me capture learning this year. Their learning.

Learning Practices

This is what I will share with the kids today as we set the stage for their learning experiences, their stories this year. I will also share it with parents tonight at our open house.

So, you do have a corner on teaching and learning?

No. Decidedly, no. I am not sharing this from a place of knowing. I am sharing it from a place of wanting to know. It is simply the latest manifestation of my chasing better, of my earnest efforts to learn more and better about this thing we call teaching and learning. I am not sharing because I have the answers. I am sharing because I don’t.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…discussing teaching and learning.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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