To Be: Project 180, Day 55


“Here are the various roles that I will need you to play over the course of the year. Sometimes, our day’s path will require you play one specific role; most times, our path will require that you play many simultaneously. Either way, I promise I will not ask you to stretch yourself beyond your limits. You got this.”

Role #1: Yourself. This is your most important role. I need you to be who you are. I realize that the setting in which we find ourselves sometimes impacts our ability to be ourselves, but my hope is that the classroom community and culture we create during our time together will give each of us the comfort and confidence to be who we are. This is the role that matters most to me as I join you in your journey this year. I am excited to know YOU.

I don’t issue rules to my kids. I present roles, routines, rights, and responsibilities. I begin with roles because I want my kids to feel present within the various settings and scenes during their experiences in my room. Of all, I want them to be themselves. It is not my goal to script kids within the roles; it is only my goal for kids to find comfort and confidence in the numerous acts that will play out over the year, during which I hope they can find and be themselves. That’s who I want them to be. That’s my wish.

And last week, my wish came true…well, at least for one kid.

I love this. So much. I’m not sure who wrote it. They did not leave a name. And so, I am just going to assume it’s any of my kids. Maybe all. I can only hope.

To be. Just to be. Isn’t that what any of us ever really wants? I’m glad, at least for one of my kiddos, that they found such a space.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…wrapping up Performance #5 and/or

…continuing our media exploration for our Truth Projects.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Friday, all. Have a wondrous weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

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