What Do Kids Know? Project 180, Day 128


If we can set aside the politically motivated aspersions that surround the March For Our Lives moment this weekend, then we might see what’s at the center of it all: kids. Many seem surprised by, and some cynically doubtful of, their ability to find and speak their voices.  But I am not. I am not at all surprised, for I listen to their powerful, beautiful voices. Every day. In fact, I try to give rise to them every day. And currently, with Project Be a Voice, I am trying to give them the loudspeaker, so that they may speak their own truths, their own humanity.

And those truths are more various than one might think, and I try to give rise to them all, even the ones I disagree with, maybe especially the ones I disagree with. I am not here to give kids truths. I am here to help them find their own. Last week I received a letter from a parent accusing me of pushing my liberal agenda on her child. It caught me off guard, for I believe I am neutral to a fault, hyper-conscious of my position of “power.” And so, I was surprised by the amount of vitriol in the letter, which accused me of giving kids too much room to speak their minds, especially in the face of authority. She’s right. I do give kids room. But what I wish she understood is that I give her daughter the very same room. Further, I wish she understood that I am trying to give each the guidance to speak their truths in ways that compel others to listen. For if we can listen to each other, then we can understand each other, and if we can understand each other, we can better live with each other.

Kids spoke this weekend. Some listened. Some did not. And though they are only kids, they have something to say. I know. I listen every day. And my life is better for it.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…listen to each other as we wrap up sharing our beginnings.

…establish credibility by deepening our knowledge from finding print or digital sources about our topics.

…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 

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