Why Don’t Teachers Like School? Project 180, Day 162

I have a lot to learn about learning. So, recently, I’ve begun to dig into the brain a bit, and I started here.

Of course, the title was the initial draw for me. I have long known and long wondered why kids don’t like school. More, I have wondered why wouldn’t/shouldn’t/couldn’t kids love school. I think they would/should/could, but that’s gonna take some serious work on our part. And, to some degree, I believe that’s been–at least a behind-the-scenes–part of Project 180, a part of the “better” classroom.

I believe kids can love school, and more, I believe we can make it a place (and experience) they love. And maybe in our doing, we can make it a place and experience teachers love, too. I believe, and not for different reasons necessarily, he could have called his book, Why Don’t Teachers Like School? Maybe, I’ll write that one.

Anyway, only three chapters in, and I am finding lots to chew on. At some point, I will share some of my innovations for the next leg of the Project 180 journey.

Happy Friday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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