Wise Words: Project 180, Day 54

“Sy, I don’t think it should be a competition. It should only be about kindness.”

Last week, we did our first round of “Choose a Champ” for the year. Here’s the gist. I distribute small pieces of paper (cards) for kids to write a kind message to one of their peers; I collect and distribute them, and whoever gets the most notes for the week is crowned “Community Champ.” I thought our first round went well. And then I got an email.

It was one of the first things I read that next morning, and I was immediately concerned by the content and tone of her message. She was really upset about something that had happened in class the previous day, and she really needed to talk to me. My immediate thought was that someone had written something unkind on one of the many messages she had received from peers yesterday. And though I didn’t really think that was the case, for the class is a pretty tight-knit, empathetic group, one never really knows with teens, so I feared the worst. And as she sat down with me that next morning to talk, I still feared the worst, asking her if she was okay.

“Oh, I am fine. I just really feel strongly about the message that may have been sent with yesterday’s “champ” activity. Sy, I don’t think it should be a competition. It should only be about kindness.”

Phew. Not too minimize her concerns, but I was relieved to learn that no unkind act had occurred. With that out of the way, I leaned further in, listening to her outpouring of wisdom and compassion.

“You’re right. You are absolutely right. I will change it when we do it next week. Thank you for having the courage to bring this to me.”

And so I changed it. Here’s the new and better approach.

In my defense–feeble as it is–I knew better. Last year taught me better, for I had arrived at and made a similar, albeit more subtle, change. I just let the “competition” part fade away, letting it become–and it did become–about kindness. So, I am not sure why I brought back the competition part of it to kick it off this year. Maybe I thought it would help with the initial buy-in as I awarded the champ with candy. I don’t know. Regardless, this year a wise young lady got me back on track. And yesterday, it was only about kindness. Just as it should be.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…viewing The Book Thief.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “Wise Words: Project 180, Day 54”

  1. Beautiful reflection and wonderful exercise. Thank you for sharing your experience- your listening to that student was an example of the kindness you show, also.

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