Words of Wisdom: Project 180, Day 25

Every day we write the story. Every day we add lines, pages, verses, and chapters. You do. I do. We do. We are the human experience. And though our days are different, our stories are often the same as we find ourselves in others and they find themselves in us. We are human. We are the story.

Our work so far this year has let us listen in on others’ stories. From Calvin’s Snowflake to the young boy without a pencil to Ms G. and her Freedom Writers, we have heard stories from the human experience. Now, you will have a chance to add your words, your story to our story. The human story.

Inspired by our work with the movie Freedom Writers, we are beginning our own project today, which we are going to call, “Wisdom Writers.”

Above is the introduction/overview I will share with the kids today as we begin our work. I want to compel them to believe that their stories matter, that their stories have a place. As I have learned from my twenty-four years in the classroom, kids have real experiences, kids have real wisdom, and I want them to capture and share that wisdom.

Though this is an entirely new path and we are still seeking the best routes as we journey forth, I am excited by the possibilities of Project Wisdom Writers. Here’s the introduction to the project.

This is the planned route for the next two days. We’ll see how it goes. As always, if things are not working as planned, we’ll find a better way to do it. I can’t wait for the kids to share their wise words with the world.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…searching for and capturing ideas for writing.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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