A Nest Too Small: Project 180, Day 171

Morning, all. Feeling a little sappy as the end draws near. Okay, a lot sappy. Forgive me.


Out in the Air


Twenty-two years

Seems I just started

Then I remember

How many’ve departed


They left my class

Yesterday, it seems

Needed more room

Chasing bigger dreams


I wonder how they’re doing

I wonder how they are

Did they catch their dreams

Did their wings take them far


Our time was short

If I speak true

So I only did

What I could do


But I’m never quite sure

If it was enough

That’s why this job

Is sometimes rough


We wonder and worry

And often fret

Will they remember

And not forget


We believe they will

We place that bet

We did our best

We should not regret


They’re doing fine

They’ve found their place

Their wings spread wide

In their bigger space


And now too soon

New fledglings leave

Our too-small nest

And I will grieve


And wonder…


How they’ll do

How they’ll fare

Will they catch their dreams

Out in the air

Will they catch their dreams

Out in the air


Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…share Passion Papers! So excited for this. 

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme

Happy Friday, all. Sorry for sharing my sappier side. Dang kids always get to me. Why do they have to grow?

Do. Reflect. Do Better.










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