Because of You: Project 180, Day 172

“I come to school every day because of you.”


Jill, pictured at bottom, wrote this on each of the cards her peers are holding. She then went on to personalize each card by writing something about each individual, capturing something that he/she/they did to contribute to our classroom community. She read each card aloud. It was a terrific tribute to her peers, and it exemplified what I would want from a classroom community. I could not have been more proud of her.

Earlier, during the planning stages of the Passion Paper, she had come to me with the idea, asking if it was okay, so I ran through the requirements of the Passion Paper by asking her two questions: Is it writing? Is it something that you care about? She readily answered, “Yes.” We high-fived, and she set to work. The rest is history.

One-hundred-seventy-one days ago, I shared a document with my brand new students (see below). I don’t do rules. I, instead, offer roles, routines, rights, and responsibilities. One of the roles I present to my kids is that of “valued community member.”  In the beginning, I think perhaps the kids thought I was paying this lip service, thinking it was like any other document that any other teacher might put in front of them–blah, blah, blahing away as we do. I am not sure Jill or any would have predicted into the future that she would be making a public tribute to the members of her community. And Jill is not alone. Devon in fifth period, did something very similar for her peers.


Of course, while I am immensely proud and pleased with my kids honoring each other, it is not with surprise that I am sharing this outcome. It was the plan all along. I say that not from a place of arrogance. I say it from a place of confidence. Just like relationships in the classroom are no accident, classroom community is not one either. I planned and executed this all year long. From reading Seedfolks (see below) to saying our Mindset Mantra (see below) to engaging in Smiles and Frowns and Community Circle to sharing Sappy Sy Rhymes, we have intentionally built our community all year long. No accident.

The Mindset Mantra began with my saying it for the first two weeks, then they said it for the next two, and finally, from there on, we all said it each day. Hear it. Say it. Believe it. I would like to think that Jill and her peers now believe it. I hope she and her peers also believe that I “come to school each day” because of them.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…tie up some loose ends with Passion Paper delivery and final speech preparation.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. 


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