Abandon Ship: Project 180, Day 111

“Uh, so, if I had to take a guess, I’d suggest that we’re not getting this, eh?”

I was met with a sea of agreement as a roomful of nods told me what I already knew. I blew it. The kids were not sufficiently set-up for the task at hand. And it was not their fault. It was mine.

I had rushed into it, believing I could make up for the leap by catching the few who would struggle, over-estimating my ability to support kids on the swim, for as I was scrambling to clarify and support, kids were sinking all around me. And in a last-ditch effort to save our souls as the period was coming to an end, I launched a lifeboat.

“Okay, I messed up. I didn’t sufficiently set you up for this and my attempts to make up for it aren’t working, so we are going to try this again tomorrow. I am sorry.”

Though my intentions were good and I thought well-aimed, I got in over my head. I have been trying all year to use my honors curriculum with my one section of “regular LA,” and though it has gone generally well (proud of my kids), I tanked this one. So, today, I am going to make up for it, not by lowering my expectations but by elevating my support. Kids can do this. They have shown me that all year long as we have worked together to get there. Yesterday, I did a poor job of orchestrating “together,” and today I will seek to do better.

Thank goodness the kids were good sports about it and didn’t mutiny and make me walk the plank. They really were trying despite my steering us into the rocks. Sorry they had to suffer through it. Kids really are the best.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…cultivating community with “Connection Cards.”

…completing (for reals this time) our Learning Check on tone analysis.

…reading for personal purposes.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “Abandon Ship: Project 180, Day 111”

  1. What a great lesson- for you to be reminded of, but for the students, also, to see. We make mistakes, yet learning from them and improving is the way to make the best of it. Thanks for sharing a very important reminder for us all.

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