The Long Road: Project 180, Day 112

I imagine we’ve all had him in class. Most of us probably have him right now. I believe I have had him every year of my career, and though he hasn’t changed, I have, and I now perceive and receive him differently.

I used to fight him, and in that struggle, that conflict, it was always about my way or the highway. And I was proud of my power to prevail, to win. To win. “Cringe,” as my kids would say. Proud to win. Ugh. That was me.

Kids come to us in various ways. And though some of those ways are in stark contrast to what we expect and accept, they are nonetheless, the “ways” they are. “He” comes in his way. And though he on some level has to own his way, we on another level have to own it, too, in that kids don’t always choose their ways. They just are, and as they are, they are challenges for themselves as well for us.

I believe there’s a time when most of us come to realize that behavior is communication. As I came to realize that, less-early than I would care to admit, I came to listen better to what they were trying to communicate. I say, “try,” because it’s as hard for them to speak as it is for us to listen. A lot can get lost in translation, especially if we aren’t careful to listen. I am a better, more careful listener now.

And, I have worked hard to listen to him all year. Some days, admittedly, have been harder than others–even impossible–but I have stayed the course, taken the long road to listen, to learn, to understand. And though, we still have a long ways to go, things have changed recently with him. And, I have had to lean in because this new behavior seems to be carrying a new message. So, I want–I need–to understand.

Yesterday, I joked with him about this “new leaf,” wanting him to know that I noticed, that I appreciated this side. I won’t say “new side,” for that suggests I made it happen. And I don’t believe that. If anything, I just let it happen. The “side” was always there. I just had to give him time to reveal it in his own way, time to trust me enough to show it. We had to take the long road. And the road goes on.

Of course, he won’t be my last him. I will get a new one next year. But I will not soon forget this year’s him. He won’t let me.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…engaging in a teacher-directed self-assessment of our latest Learning Check.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Thursday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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