Art of Work: Project 180, Day 158

The sun calls. Always has. Even when I was a student, this time of year was always a challenge for me. I just wanted to be outside. Still do. If not a teacher, I would be outside working with my hands. And on a beautiful morning like this, my tractor parked at the gate calls, and I want to work. I love work, and the work never ends, especially in spring when green explodes, and I cannot keep up, but I am compelled to try.

And it is a similar compulsion that drives my work in the classroom. It is work that is never done. We just run out of time, and the cycle sets again. With only twenty-two days remaining, we have what seems a lifetime’s work to get done, but we won’t; we can’t, yet we will do what we can to get as far down the trail as possible. That’s all we can do. And so, the kids will be digging in to get their speeches ready, and I will roll up my sleeves to share the load, and we will get there together, wherever there may be. And though it may look a little different for each in her mind, I hope they are all left with some image of the year that captures the struggle and the triumph of what our journey’s been, their own art of work.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…work (make art).

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all. I hope you all find art in your work.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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