Ya know, Joy Is Possible: Project 180, Day 157

By the end of the day, I was in pretty rough shape. My head was pounding; it hurt to swallow; it hurt to talk. Not sure why. Allergies? Spring cold? Brain tumor? Hypochondria? Regardless, come 6th period, I was ready to call it a day, and I told my kids so during Smiles and Frowns. So, they decided that they would take things in hand, and I could just sit back and relax. And that’s what happened.

Jacob volunteered to take the lead. He had come in during an earlier period and witnessed the activity, so he said he could take the helm. And he did. And, for forty-five minutes, he led the class through their stand-and-deliver presentations, where kids shared and peers reviewed. I watched and marveled at the moment. Such a moment. Thirty kids. Presenting. Getting feedback. Connecting. Growing. And for no grade. No carrot. No stick. No compliance. Just commitment. To their learning. To themselves. To their community. I didn’t even need to be there. But I was, and it is a moment I will not soon forget. It is a moment I will try to replicate for the rest of my career, for it felt like pure learning, for there was joy–for all. And why shouldn’t there be? Why should learning ever be without joy? I am not equating joy with “easy.” To be sure, there is nothing easy about presenting to and getting critiqued by one’s peers. Nothing. But there can be joy. And there was. Truly.

Of course, though they were supremely compassionate about my state, they were not so compassionate as to completely let me off the hook. They had caught wind that earlier in the day–before I contracted my terminal ailment–that I had sung a Sappy Sy Song, and they wanted theirs. I declined. They pleaded. I caved. I sang. Quietly. Of course, my ailment was likely caused by my awful singing voice, but in the end, we do what we do for kids. Here’s the song. It helps if you know Flo Rida’s song “My House.”

Said it before, and I’ll say it a million times more: Kids really are the best humans.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…complete Stand-and-Deliver presentations.

…have Community Circle.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Friday, all. Have a great weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better, and….make joy possible along the way. 



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