Beating the Drum: Project 180, Day 13

They clapped.

She blushed.

She smiled.

She shared.

On day 12, she finally shared. She finally shared during Smiles and Frowns. And it mattered.

As my regular readers know, I am steadfast in my insistence that we have to honor “passing” if we are doing Smiles and Frowns. It, I believe, has to be an act of commitment, not an act of compliance. So, yesterday, when she chose to share, she did it on her own; she did it because she wanted to, not because she had to. And it mattered. Her peers showed her that. They showed her that they were aware that she had not, and they showed her it mattered to them when she did. And I suspect it is likely she will share again based on the response of the community we’ve begun to build.

Twelve days in already connections are being created and barriers are breaking down. Kids are laughing with each other. Kids are empathizing with each other. Kids are “learning each other.” And I attribute that to Smiles and Frowns. I’ve said it before, and I will likely say it again,

“Smiles and Frowns is the best decision I have ever made as a teacher. It is a game changer, a difference maker. And I will never not do it again.”

I am proud of the communities we’ve begun in each of my classes. And while each is different, unique as the kids who populate them, they all have created connections that will take us far not only socially and emotionally but also academically. Smiles and Frowns is not a fringe activity to pass the time in room 206. Smiles and Frowns is the cog of our culture, everything starts and continues from it.

I know I beat this particular drum a bunch, but for me, for the last three years, it has been the spark I have needed to renew my conviction that we can, we will change education, one connection at a time. Call me a dreamer with my head in the clouds, but I believe this–with every fiber of my being. Connections matter. That is beat of my drum. That is the beat of my heart. And the beat goes on.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…making sense of yesterday’s Learning Check.

…viewing Freedom Writers.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Friday, all. Have a wonderful weekend.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

2 thoughts on “Beating the Drum: Project 180, Day 13”

  1. YES!!! I am going to find your Smiles and Frowns description post and share that option as a “starter” to my Gen Ed instructors at the college level. Connections Matter! I believe, in my 20+ years of teaching, the #1 influence to successful learning is that teacher-student connection. Thank you for putting it into words so eloquently, sharing your OWN Smile. Happy Friday! My best, Kristin Whitmore

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