As the World Turns: Project 180, Day 14

The world did not stop. It didn’t even pause as 138 kids took ownership of their learning last week in room 206. They took their first Learning Check. They scored it. They responded to what the feedback revealed. They submitted it. I learned from it. They learned from it. We learned from it.

Here’s what I learned from our first Learning Check.

The Learning Check itself was nothing profound. It’s a grammar test. And while it may be a stretch to call the process profound, it was–I believe–at least a powerful first step in getting the kids to take ownership. And a big part of that step was trusting in me and the process. It will take the kids awhile to fully trust my approach, but I think we headed in the right direction, and as we did, the world kept turning. Kids can own their learning. And they will if we let them. This I believe.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…stating themes (Learning Check #2).

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all. Hope you have a great start to your week.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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