Choosing Chill: Project 180, Day 15

“Life’ll go on. It already has.”

This is my go-to response when kids make mistakes in my classroom. As long as they have not hurt themselves or someone else, there is little that’s going to call for critical action on my part.

The kids call it “chill.” My class is chill. I am chill. And they are not wrong. I am. On purpose. I chill, so they can chill. Stress is not healthy–for any of us. And stress–I believe–is not necessary in the classroom. Stress in the classroom is largely a construct, and we are the architects. We choose what we build, and I choose to chill.

Of course, it took me awhile to warm up to the notion that I am chill, for I thought it meant easy. But the kids assured me otherwise.

“You just understand. You don’t freak out about things. You’re, you know, chill.

So, though I imagine some adults may think my approach too lax, I have come to accept the term from they who matter: my kids. Yesterday, in our first round of “My Room” feedback cards, the kids again highlighted that they appreciate my “chill” and the lack or absence of stress in my room. And, in this, they offered music to my ears. I strive diligently–from the way I build relationships to the way I support learning–to create a less-stress classroom.

So, I am easy? I don’t think so. And for those who harbor doubt, I would eagerly and sincerely invite them to my room to judge for themselves. I don’t think they would find easy. I think they would find chill. I choose chill. Not because it’s less hard for me, but because it is less hard on my kids. I think we can choose to make our kids’ experiences in school less-stressful. So I do. I choose chill.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…growing with grammar.

…viewing–hopefully finishing–Freedom Writers.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Tuesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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